Workshop on Safety at Radioactive Ion Beam facilities

Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities

Organized by CERN, Geneva - ISOLDE, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich - MAFF, EURISOL - Target and ion source working group
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MAFF - safety aspects of a reactor based RIB facility

M. Gross, D. Habs, O. Kester, H.-J. Maier, P. Thirolf, F. Ospald, Sektion Physik, LMU, D-85748 Garching, R. Krücken, T. Faestermann, P. Maier-Komor, Physik Department, TU München, D-85747 Garching

The Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments MAFF is under design at the new research reactor FRM-II.

After a short overview of MAFF, we will outline the safety concept of this instrument with emphasis on the reactor part, not the post-accelerator part. As MAFF is one among many instruments sharing the FRM-II, a main general safety goal is minimizing the feedback of potential failures to the reactor. In particular, in-pile parts of MAFF must not affect reactor safety. This causes constraints, e.g. for the layout of the target/ion source assembly.

Some potential failure szenarios will be discussed as well as techniques for radioactivity handling.