Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities |
CERN, 30 October - 1 November 2002
The first workshop on radioprotection safety issues related to RIB facilities will be held at CERN 30 October to 1 November. In this second circular we present a first list of confirmed speakers and give some practical information. You will be informed as soon as the detailed program will be available on the workshop web site.
We will continue to accept last minute abstracts up until 15 October. We want to stress that the workshop is focused on safety aspects on RIB facilities but that we also accept abstract on safety aspects of other similar facilities dealing with high power targets.
A first list of confirmed speakers is now available.
The speakers are listed in alphabetic order sorted according to the subjectof the presentation.
A special meeting will be held during the second day for all those that wish to participate in the proposal for a study on safety issues at RIB facilities within the European Unions 6th framework programme.
The workshop will start Wednesday 30 October at 13.00. It will end in the early afternoon 1 November. The conference dinner will take place in Switzerland at Auberge de Dardagny 30 October. The dinner is to be paid individually by the conference participants (40 CHF) at registration. A free-of-charge transport to the event will be organized.
Reservations should be made individually well in advance at the CERN hostel.
If you haven^t registered yet, please, register ASAP through the SAFERIB web site.
Last minute abstracts can be submitted before 15th October 2002 through the following form.
The conference secretary is Mrs. Tjitske Kehrer at CERN. She can be reached on e-mail at , telephone +41 22 767 2606 or fax +41 22 767 9145.
No conference fee will be charged to participants.
Correspondence should be sent to: or or
Looking forward to meeting you ,
Mats Lindroos (CERN, Geneva)
Peter Thirolf (LMU Munich, Germany)
Thomas Otto (CERN, Geneva)
with the support of the EURISOL Target and Ion Source Working Group
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