SAFERIB Attendees

Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities

Organized by CERN, Geneva - ISOLDE, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich - MAFF, EURISOL - Target and ion source working group
1st announcement
Show of Interest
How to get to CERN
2nd announcement
Conference Secretariat
Abstract submission


Assman, WalterUniversity Munich, Germany
Axmann, AntonTechnical University Munich, Germany
Beck, LudwigUniversity Munich, Germany
Brunner, IsabelCERN, Switzerland
Butler, PeterCERN, Switzerland
Carbonez, PierreCERN, Switzerland
Catherall, RichardCERN, Switzerland
Chtchegolev, VictorJINR, Russia
Clarke, NeilLab. Impex Systems Ltd., UK
Conan, NadineCERN, Switzerland
Cornell, John GANIL, France
Daems, GilbertCERN, Switzerland
Dervan, PaulSheffield University, UK
Dimovasili, EvangeliaCERN, Switzerland
Donjoux, YannCERN, Switzerland
Dorsival, AlexandreCERN, Switzerland
Drumm, PaulRAL, UK
Engelhardt, DieterUniversity Karlsruhe, Germany
Faugier, AndreCERN, Switzerland
Fehrenbacher, GeorgGSI, Germany
Fertman, AlexanderITEP, Russia
Focker, Gerrit JanCERN, Switzerland
Fraile, Luis MarioCERN, Switzerland
Franchoo, SergeCERN, Switzerland
Georg, UweCERN, Switzerland
Groeschel, FriedrichPSI, Switzerland
Gross, MartinUniversity Munich, Germany
Habs, DietrichUniversity Munich, Germany
Henkelmann, RichardTU Munich, Germany
Jardin, PascalGANIL , France
Joinet, AngeliqueCERN, Switzerland
Kelic, AleksandraGSI, Germany
Koester, UlliCERN, Switzerland
Leroy, RenanCEA / GANIL, France
Lettry, JacquesCERN, Switzerland
Lindroos, MatsCERN, Switzerland
Magistris, MatteoCERN, Switzerland
Maxeiner, HaraldNAGRA, Switzerland
Mayer, SabineCERN, Switzerland
Meunier, SophieCERN, Switzerland
Moormann, RainerFZJ, Germany
Moritz, LutzTRIUMF, Canada
Muller, AndreCERN, Switzerland
Nilsson, ThomasCERN, Switzerland
Otto, ThomasCERN, Switzerland
Pernick, ArnoldSoreq NRC, Israel
Pirotte, FlorenceCERN, Switzerland
Rannou, BertrandGANIL, France
Rettig, MarkusCERN, Switzerland
Ricciardi, MariaGSI, Germany
Ronningen, ReginaldNSCL/MSU, USA
Roy, GhislainCERN, Switzerland
Saika, KandarpaDr. B. Borooah Cancer Inst. , India
Sievers, PeterCERN, Switzerland
Silari, MarcoCERN, Switzerland
Suemmerer, KlausGSI, Germany
Thirolf, PeterUniversity Munich, Germany
Ulrici, LuisaCERN, Switzerland
Vervier, JeanUCL, Belgium
Vincke, HelmutCERN, Switzerland
Vretenar, MaurizioCERN, Switzerland
Wagner, WernerPSI, Switzerland
Winkler, MartinGSI , Germany
Wolf, JacquesCERN, Switzerland
Yordanov, OrlinGSI, Germany
Zafiropoulos, DemetreINFN, Italy
Zeller, AlMichigan State University, USA