Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities |
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Based on the PSAR study for American spallation source SNS, safety analyses for the ESS were started with main focus on the mercury target. Licensing of ESS in Europe requires by far smaller source terms in accidents than SNS, which means, that PSAR/SNS has to be remarkably extended. The status of system analytical and deterministic work on different accident classes to be considered for ESS (loss of confinement, fire, explosion etc.) will be outlined andimportant lack of knowledge will be discussed: By parametric studies we found out, that Hg-194 and concerning the volatile nuclides I-124, I-125 and I-126 are of particular relevance for safety considerations; therefore, some effort has still to be spent in determination of exact spallation yields for these nuclides. Results on the chemical behaviour of iodine nuclides inmercury will be presented, too.