Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities |
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Monitoring of personal dose from ionising radiation is a cornerstone of every radiation protection programme. Its purpose is to provide data for the further optimisation of radiological protection and, in extremis, to prevent exceeding legal dose limits. Ideally, small personal doses would demonstrate to workers, facility management and legal authorities alike the small risk level for the individual in a given facility.
In a radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility, personal dosimetry of external radiation from photons or neutrons with passive and active personal dosimeters is straightforward.
The monitoring of internal exposure from ingestion or inhalation of radionuclides is more difficult by the methods and models which are employed. In a RIB facility, the task is even more complicated as a whole range of isotopes have to be monitored at the same time.
The presentation will give an overview of currently employed methods in personal dosimetry and on how they could be applied to a RIB facility.